Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tender is the Day

Tonality .

For me its everything.

Just the other day I was talking on the phone with a person I've never met.

He was helping me get in touch with a fellow neighbor who used to live in the house that he now owns., I guess its a small town thing where people still freely give up information to anyone asking. " oh yeah Joe ! he moved on down to Spencertown. Let me go grab his new number " .
There was an amazing grace to his voice. One of genuine kindness and caring, almost tender.

I imagined him as the quintessential grandpa, someone's husband of 40 years, a good man.

One to almost emulate in the cadence of life.

The effect of that day is still fresh in my head. Its reaffirming to know that the human spirit is alive and contagious. So much so that its prompted me to put together this group of photographs of my wife and daughter.

Cape Cod 1997

The Michael Lardizabal's , 1999

Halloween , NY 1997

43 Albany Avenue, NY 1997

Upstate NY, 1997

Nestle, Chatham NY  2000

Amanda , West Stockbridge, Ma. 1999

Cape Cod  2000

Claudia , New York  1999

  Maine  1997

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