Thursday, September 11, 2008

Michael Lardizabal: Remembering 911

Twin Towers from Caven Pt. NJ 1999

I used to look at the twin towers from this spot whenever I ran on the Libery State Park course.

One day I went out with my 4x5 Graflex to photograph the environs and came up with this polaroid. Its a one of a kind print.

I still run on this path when I'm in the city and my heart still sinks.

God Bless all the families today.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Wishing for Cape Cod

Cape Cod 1999

I usually miss the Cape by about this time. Summer is over, and the new season has me yearning for Truro or Eastham.

Perhaps one last trip to the dunes is in the cards.

This 5x7 inch cyanotype is from Orleans if I remember correctly, or maybe Eastham on the bay side. I forget. I know is was around 1999 when I made it.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Ghent, 1996

I'm baking apple pie today.

My orchard is ready for picking , so pie and cider is on the agenda.

This is an 8x10 contact print that I feel is appropriate for today. Its a vintage print made on Grade 1 Azo.

Friday, September 05, 2008


Backyard,Venice,California 1991

I was born on this month back in 1963.

For the past few days I've been looking at the relationship of space as it relates to environment and light.

Light defines space.

In the image of the backyard I feel there's a whole universe of things to look at. Funny thing is when I made this negative, I was more concerned with sense of place.

Almost 18 years later, I discover its more about the sense of light and how the light is what defines and creates the tapestry of place. Without that amazing Western ,strong California light....there is no place.

I made one finished Palladium print of this in 1991. Printed on vintage Cranes paper washed in Venice tap water that had the most amazing properties. The platinum and palladium prints I made during my years there ( 1989-1992 ) have a glow that is so unique I can almost always tell when I am looking at a print made in our Rose Ave. apartment.

There is 1 artist work print/studio proof of this image available at this time. The image is from an 8x10 negative which is signed and dated by me. The proof is printed on Japanese Vellum. If you are interested in this please email me and I can provide you with a payment link.